Tinkering Torpedo Launchers

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by SeaLooter, Apr 24, 2024.

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  1. SeaLooter

    SeaLooter Forum Greenhorn

    Good morning,

    I would like to know more about Tinkering torpedo launchers (ps: I read the faq right side up and backwards there are things that I don't explain :confused:)

    For the same type of torpedo launcher, here Zorax lv 2 with a DIY of 40/60, why is it that for one I have to use common tools?

    and for the other uncommon tools?

    At first I had the hypothesis that it was linked to this:


    basically if one of the secondary attributes was in the C then it was common tools
    in the U: uncommon tools
    and in the R: rare tools

    Except that for my 6 Mako 6 which have secondary attributes in R, I still need uncommon tools to tinker with them instead of rare tools:

    Anyway, can someone enlighten me?
    Thanks in advance ;)
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy SeaLooter!

    I will answer your query in a moment. Please be patient.


    The number displaying
    40/60 shows the amount of owned / required tinkering attempts on your launcher before you will be able to level it up.

    Launchers have two set of values, Primary and Secondary.

    Primary values can be only changed (upgraded) by actually increasing the level of your launcher.

    Secondary attributes can be increased only by using the tinkering tools on your launcher.

    What tools do you use during the tinkering process - doesn't matter (to upgrade the level), - but it does make a difference on your Launcher Secondary Statistics.

    As shown in your print screen your Launcher have several values with C U and R written next to them.

    The 'dot' indicate the kind of tinkering tools you need to use to increase this statistic (optional), therefore the game suggest that you should use U or R tool in case that it may increase such statistic.

    C - Common
    U - Uncommon

    R - Rare

    So in your example when one of the statistic went to "R" before the other ones you can consider yourself lucky! The game select stats that goes in + or - randomly so if that stat will have "no chance" to be upgraded - or simply cannot be any further then the game system will ask you for either C or U tools.

    If you have any further questions please post them and I shall reply to you as soon as possible.

    Happy Sailing!

  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there are no further questions I will close this thread.


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